crochet blanket patterns free

A quiet afternoon...

... Or so it would have been yesterday, if it wasn't for the fact that I was quite maniacally making pictures to document the quietness... *ahem*

I wanted to give this post a touch of Less Is More aesthetics. But I guess I'm failing big time because of the number of pics alone. Ah well!

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, granny square, potholder, white & pastels

This placemat and potholder are supposed to have an air of Japanese minimalism. Just so you know. ;-)

The placemat is made of simple double crochets - white with irregular intervals of colour.

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, granny square, potholder, white & pastels

The potholder is one big granny square, folded round a cotton potholder...

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, granny square, potholder, white & pastels

... I whipstitched together the corners at the backside - which is the side I like best.

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, granny square, potholder, white & pastels

Don't you just love the bunny? ;-) It's a souvenir from my recent travels.

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, granny square, potholder, white & pastels

BTW, what do you think of this ball of bamboo? I bought it ages ago.

ByHaafner, crochet, placemat, white & pastels, bamboo yarn

It took me at least an hour to wind it from this skein. (As per usual messed up and got it completely tangled.) I love the colours and even the fact that it's variegated, because it's done so subtile... I have a lovely plan for it! To be continued...

ByHaafner, crochet, white & pastels, bamboo yarn,

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little record of quietness. Did you have a good weekend? Hope so!

I wonder what this week will bring. I personally have not very high hopes for this one. Luckily I can flee in my pastels. ;-)

ByHaafner, white & pastels, bamboo yarn, bunny...

Full speed ahead, I guess...


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