crochet blanket patterns free

New Mittens and A Lovely Short Film

Every now and then I actually manage to finish a project. Here's a small one. My mittens, from a pattern of one of my new Japanese crochet books. Even though it's spring - and we've got really nice weather! - I had to make them right after I got back.

ByHaafner, crochet, Japanese crochet pattern, mittens, pastel

I bought the pattern book mainly because of these mittens: I saw the picture and I was sold. In case you're interested: it's this book (Thai version):

ByHaafner, Japanese crochet book, crochet hooks

Oh, and before I forget. There's something I've been wanting to share with you for ages. Are you in for an ultimate feel good moment? Watch this short film in which the knitting of one Dutch lady, Loes Veenstra, brings together a whole neighbourhood. Since 1955 she knitted over 550 sweaters and stored them (unused) in her house. The film was made in 2012, so some of you might have seen it already, but personally: I can watch it over again and again... So go on, treat yourself on these 3:19 minutes of loveliness!

I hope you like it too. If you have become intrigued by it, click here for more information.

Thanks for your visit, take care!


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