crochet blanket patterns free

Studio Snippets

Hello there, crafty friends! How are you? Many thanks for your kind comments on my last post, they made me feel over the moon!

No finished stuff today... But I'd like to share some snapshots from my workplace.

ByHaafner, crochet, studio,

My dotted blanket is slowly progressing. Actually, eventually it was a very speedy progress, but recently I have been lacking time again. And I want this one to be a big, heavy, snuggly blanket - in short: I have still some rows to work on. ;-) By the way, I was inspired by the circles of this lovely blanket from Three Beans in a Pod to make ribbed dots for this one. (The squares are different though.)

ByHaafner, crochet, studio, desk

Bunny resting on a couple of doilies.

ByHaafner, crochet doilies

My little notebook in which I scribble down my patterns and my flashes of crochet related *Eureka!* moments.

ByHaafner, notebook

Here is the blanket again. As you can see I decided to abandon the powdery pink from the first picture.

ByHaafner, crochet, dotted blanket, blue hues, pastel,
One more, just because close ups of yarn make me happy... (I'm sure there are worse things that make people happy...)

ByHaafner, crochet, dotted blanket, blue hues, pastel,
And another sample, but *wow* - what a gorgeous hook is that?! I tell you more about this handmade beauty - and where to get it - in a next post!

ByHaafner, crochet, sample, pink, handmade wooden crochet hook

Because now, it's already getting late, and the alarm clock will sound early enough tomorrow... Many thanks for your visit & have a lovely week!


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